Why You Need a Business Account with Jeton

Starting a business is not an easy task. You can simplify things with your financials by opening a business account.

A business Jeton account plays a key role in growing your business, while protecting it and yourself at the same time. It allows you to keep track of business transactions, manage your financials with ease, and send money globally. In this blog post, we outline crucial reasons for opening a business account with Jeton and what you will need in order to do it.

But what is a business account?

A business account is an asset. An asset is anything that makes your business money, whereas a liability is anything that costs your business money.

A business bank account is an asset because it:

– Helps you make smart business decisions. Making smart business decisions ultimately add more revenue to your business, thus making you more money.
– Global reach. Our technology and coverage give you global reach so you can give your customers a local payment experience. (100+ countries, 70+ payment methods)
-Saves you from paying more in interest and fees. As you save money in your business bank account, you’ll be less needful of expensive business loans that could cost you more money. This savings puts more money in your business.

Jeton Business Account Advantages

A business account provides a simpler and more professional way to run your business. It makes it easier to manage your financials and protect your personal assets in case of a lawsuit.

When building trust with clients and future clients, it’s important to treat your business like a business—not like an extension of your personal life. When you’re running a small business, it can look unprofessional to pay your contractors with a personal check or have your clients write a check to you as an individual.

Will this lose you business? Maybe not. But having a dedicated business banking account shows that you’re a serious professional. This is especially important as you scale your operations and evolve from freelancer to business owner.

With Jeton you get your own EUR IBAN to manage your international payments and money transfers without hidden fees. Hold, send and receive money through your account.

Opening a business account is also one step to establishing business credit for your company, something that can help you qualify for financing and favorable supplier terms down the line. The benefits you get when you open a business bank account far outweigh the headaches—get it over with early, and you’ll be happy you did.

Applying for a Business Jeton Account

Opening a business account is quick and easy. Register in minutes without requiring any unnecessary document. Get approved within hours!